First Regular Meeting

Date: September 9, 2014
Speaker: Iven Tse

Topic: how to protect your children’s assets from the potential son or daughter in law or common law daughter or son in law

Location: Kirin Seafood Restaurant, 12th Avenue, Vancouver

To kick start with our first meeting of the term, we are bringing back our event program with special speaker, our very own director and lawyer Lion Iven Tse.   Lion Iven has given our attendee a very interesting topics.  Feed back received is that the information delivered is very valuable.  Thank you Lion Iven for sharing your knowledge and thank you Program Chair PP Lion Raymond Wong for organizing this program.
Lion Iven giving talk to our attendee.
Zone Chair Lion Lawrence Tam Visitation

Tri-Board Installation Party

Date: May 9th, 2014 Friday

Our very first Tri-Board Installation Ceremony has been held successfully.  Board of Directors for Vancouver Cambie Lions Club and for Vancouver Cambie Leos Club are installed.  Vancouver Cambie Junior Club Branch was chartered and Board of Directors installed.  Imagine the amount of people getting on and off the stage, receiving awards and giving speech.  Exciting!

Our newly installed Board of Directors contain most of previous year’s directors plus two fresh blood, Lion Emilie and Lion Iven.

1st VDG Elect Lion Eric Keller was our installation officer.  He presented the Melvin Jones award to President Lion Elsie.  PCC Lion Polly Voon presented Judge Brown Stevenson Awards to 4 of our members.  Lion Bonnie won Lion of the Year for VCLC.  120 Lions, friends and guests celebrated fellowship and had a great time.  We had great raffle prizes.  Our very own President Lion Elsie won the grant prize, a jade bracelet donated by Lion Dr Vivian!  Proceed of the evening was donated to Strathcona Community Dental Clinic, which is a non-profit dental clinic focusing on treating children and families in Vancouver, mainly low income families.
Everybody in the club including new and old members participated at different level to help make this event a success.  Good job everyone!
See Picasa for more photos.  Enjoy a few samples of photos below.

Radio-Telethon – Chinese Community Fundraising CCS

Another wonderful year!  $108,000 raised for a day of hard work!  Thank you all volunteers!

On April 12th, 2014 Saturday, Vancouver Cambie Lions Club and volunteers spent the whole day taking public’s pledge to support Canadian Cancer Society’s annual Telethon fund raising event.  The event features stories of real-life cancer patients, survivors and caregivers.  Volunteers organized into 3 shifts covering from 11am till 12 midnight at the phone center at which we take calls from all over the country.  We definitely had a great time giving back to our community on that day.

Special thanks to great food and treat from President Elsie, IPP Clement and PP Raymond!  Thank you all volunteers!
Words from event Chair Vivian,
“I sincerely thank our President for adding more food for the volunteers at the telephone center. I have never seen so much food for a similar event.  BTW, we also extended a friendly hand to volunteers from other groups. They shared our good food and warm friendship. This is the real meaning of this event.
I thank Bonnie and Johnny who had invited many of their friends who added excellent help to us. Clement and Raymond bought tasty cold drinks for our members. Clement and Virginia arrived at the venue at 10:30am and they spent much effort making the event a success. I believe all volunteers also enjoyed the fresh fruit prepared by me.

This is an amazing event anyway for it showed the remarkable leadership of our beautiful President and the benevolent big hearts from all of you!”

Photo Gallery

(above) Our members at pre-tape promo

(below) Our members at phone center on event day


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